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Terrigal Uniting Worship & Community Centre
Terrigal Uniting Church is a large, vibrant, caring
community of God's people who meet together to worship God, enjoy each
others company and care for one another. We seek to bring our faith into our
wordkay lives and share it with the community in which we live.
At Terrigal Uniting Church:
* we believe that Jesus' and all the things about him is the best news inthe universe, and so we want to use every opportunity at the things the
church does to tell people about this good news, and show them by the
friendly way we treat them and help them that we really believe it
We also pray that everyone will know Jesus, and take him on as their Lord
and life-saver.
* it is this good news and the holy Spirit of Jesus that unites us.
* every one of us who really believes in Jesus will want to be in ministry
now. This will be in the church, and in the places we are during the week,
such as school, where we work, sporting team, or where we volunteer to help.
Every believer has been given a ministry gift (a God-given skill) to do this
* we are no better than other people, and we welcome every single person to
come and hear about Jesus or feel his love in the way we treat them.
* we will provide courses and teaching for people to have a good safe life.
We will also support others in other areas and oversee those who are
teaching and help too. We want to make more followers of Jesus. (disciples)
* it's the job of every one in the church to care for each other, especially
though our groups and teams we are in.
* everything we personally own - money, clothes, possessions (CDs,
surfboards, magazines, etc) is really owned by Jesus. We are to use it
wisely and give it away generously.
* when we worship Jesus we are thanking Jesus for all he has done, and
offering him ourselves for all that is still to be done.
Services of Worship
Saturday 6pm Family Service (55min duration)A light meal follows this service
8am Early service
Music led by our 8am choir with organ and piano
9.45am Family Service and Kids Alive
Music led by a band with some organ + piano
Kids Alive classes are held for children aged 3 to 15.
6pm Evening Service
Music led by a band, focus on teens and young adults, but all ages
represented. A light meal follows
11am Mid-week Service-Suit shift worker. A light lunch together follows.
Terrigal Uniting Worship & Community Centre
Terrigal Uniting Worship & Community Centre DetailsContact Terrigal Uniting Worship & Community Centre
Terrigal Uniting Worship & Community Centre
Phone: (02) 4385 1248
Fax (02) 4385 7287
380 Terrigal Drive
Terrigal 2260
Email: Click here to send an email
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